This website was set up so that we could educate the  youth on important things that are happening to our oceans and in our oceans. Such as Whaling and the plastic and waste that is being put into our oceans.

Emily Hession

12 yrs




Our planets wonderful whales are battling for their lives. Whales face more threats today than ever before in history. Although commercial whaling has been bannad for more than two decades, countries such as Japan, Iceland and Norway still continue to fire harpoons into these gentle creatures for products they don't need. More than 30,000 whales have been killed since 1986! Know the magnificent humpback whale is being targeted for whaling by the goverment of Japan.



Emily Hession

Founder of Marine Care


E-mail     for your thoughts on whaling









Plastic in our Ocean


We are getting more and more plastic in our ocean everyday, and just because many people are not disposing their rubbish properly. Also many more people need to use green bags, they are much better for the enviroment. When plastic bags are released into the ocean, sea or harbour they let out a toxin that is in the plastic.  






This is a green bag


Emily Hession

Founder of Marine Care


E-mail     for your thoughts on plastic waste in our ocean







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